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Those that need the most, give the most.


Last year in July we went to Lelda e Joel's house to bring food since the kids were on a break from school. Their house is made of tarps and pieces of wood.

video of 2023 visit:

Even though they don't have much, Lelda always has an smile on her face. After we gave them the food basket last year she gave us a big squash from her garden, most of the families we help with food always want to give something back, even though we don't want to take anything from them, we have learned that if we don't accept what they offer they feel rejected, they also gave us sugarcane to take home.

This year we went back in January to deliver the school supplies.

This is little Sofia standing in front of her grandparents house with her new backpack full of school supplies, she has a sister that was not there at the time, they both stay with their grandparents. One thing that was happening behind Sofia that the picture does not show is Joel (her grandpa) laying in a bed in their living room recovering from a a bad motorcycle accident.

Since we made a video of our visit last year Lelda invited us to record again if we wanted to but seeing Joel so vulnerable and in pain laying there, we decided that we did not want to record. Lelda was still feeling positive, and she believed that her husband would recover but at that point we did not know if he would walk again. Lelda took me to see a little corn field behind her house and again with that big smile she said that she wished that the corn was ready so I could take some home with me, so I asked her how they were going to harvest the corn in a few weeks since her husband was still recovering, she just smiled again and answered "I'm sure some people from the community will come and help!"

Just before we left Lelda asked me if I wanted some Murici, a little yellow fruit that we use mostly to make juice, I told her that we had just received a bottle full of Murici but she insisted so I said 'okay.' She came out of the house with a big smile and not one but two 2-liter bottles full of Murici as you can see in the top picture.

Lelda's house does not have a floor, so when it rains, the water runs through the house, they don't have a bathroom inside of their house, we just found out that her husband will not walk again so he is now in a wheelchair, I will visit them again next year and I am pretty sure that I will see Lelda smiling yet again, because that is the type of person she is.

Lelda has taught us so much more about being happy with life just how it is even with so little.

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